The community asked for it and Epic Games delivered. For those of you noobs who do not know, Fortnite does certain competitive series that allow players to earn money based on placement in their tournaments. This year's Winter Royale will be a duo's format, so find a partner who isn't trash at the game and get ready to dumpster some kids. The event sill take place December 20-22.
New Point System
The new duos tournament will feature a new point system than the previous tournaments. It looks to award placement a lot more than it does kills, so hopefully you're not bad enough to where you die off spawn every game. Make sure you aren't landing in large POI's unless you can handle it because the kills don't seem worth it.

Prize Pool
The new prize pool seems to be geared towards getting more players to try out competitive. Usually only the top 10 are given a prize but Epic must feel bad for the rest of the trash players that can't seem to make it near that level.
Start Practicing
If you want to compete in this tournament you better not be garbage. Grab your duo and start practicing because these tournaments get pretty sweaty. If you need some advice, check out our YouTube Channel for some great tips and tricks to help you get on the level needed for tournaments like this one!