Fortnite has a wide range of items in the game that change the dynamic of each match. Some definitely should stay in the vault, but there are others that if they are removed could help the gameplay improve a tremendous amount.

#1 Pump Shotgun (Legendary and Epic)
The pump shotgun has reigned as the supreme shotgun in Fortnite over the last two years. The combat shotgun shook the game up with its consistent damage, long range and fast fire rate, but it proved to be too overpowered. The Legendary and Epic versions of the pump shotgun would allow for a more consistent feel of range and power but not have too fast of a fire rate. Many players were upset when they were vaulted, and maybe its time to bring them back.

#2 Quad Crasher
For the last 3 Seasons (before 10) there had been a lot of mobility that allowed players to travel the map at ease. Players did not have to be afraid of landing on the outskirts of the map as long as there was a Quad Crasher spawn near it. The Quad Crasher allowed for two players to travel on an ATV style vehicle that had a speed boost and could boost through buildings. Adding the Quad back into the game would allow players to be spread out more, and better end game fights.

#3 Hunting Rifle
The hunting rifle proved to be the most popular weapon when it came to trick-shotting. The fact that it had no scope and a tight cross-hair when it was not aimed in, allowed for some pretty insane trick-shots. The rifle did low damage to the body but hit pretty hard when it was a head-shot. The items rarity came in uncommon and rare, and was found very plentiful across the map. Personally I loved the hunting rifle and when it was vaulted, the community did not seem happy either.

#4 Tactical Assault Rifle
The tactical assault rifle was a low-recoil and fast fire-rate weapon that used small ammo. At first, the community had mixed thoughts about the weapon because of its low damage, but it proved to be a very useful weapon if you could hit all of your shots. It also allowed for a medium range weapon to use small ammo which tends to be plentiful but not used in the Fortnite game.

#5 Grappler
The grappler is an item that looks like its straight out of a cartoon. The rope gun with a plunger attached to the end has been a versatile way of traveling the map, climbing up to height and used a lot in trick-shotting. The grappler is not an item that can cause damage to others and would help a lot of individuals to have more fun in the game and a little bit more mobility.