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A Gamers Guide to Avoid Burnout


Look Familiar? Everyone who calls themself a gamer has had this look.

Finally. The game you've been waiting for over a year has been released. You take a seat with your favorite snacks. You turn the console on. The loading screen of the newest addition to your favorite game flashes across the tv. The first night of gaming was exhilarating, and well so was the first week. Nearing a month of gaming you start to feel it. The frustration, getting bored, having a hard time staying focused. We've all been there. You, my friend, are suffering from Burnout. It's not easy, and it's definitely not fun. But what do you do now? Here are some ways to get out of burnout and some ways to avoid it!

While Addiction might be a scary word, many people are addicted to video games.

1. Find a New Hobby

Finding a new hobby is probably the best way to get out of and avoid burnout. Go take a walk. Go watch some YouTube. Cook something for Hell's Sakes. Anything that gets you away for the game can help you avoid burnout or relieve some of its stress. The newfound passion could help you remember why you started playing games in the first place.

There are soo many games out there, why settle on just one?

2. Try a New Game

Trying a new game will allow you to refresh on a game and either you love it or it makes you appreciate your other game even more. Sometimes the sheer fact that something is different can help get you out of that routine feeling funk. Need some ideas for new games? Check GameStop's website for new releases and easy information on games.

Don't Argue, Just take a break

3. Take a Break

Leave the controller on the shelf for a couple days. Try your new hobby or catch up on some cleaning and go for a walk. You need to get yourself away from the games, no matter how addicting they are. Give that head of yours some time gather its thoughts (see what I did there??). The time away from your game should give your mental headspace a cleanse of the frustrations you were having. Once you feel like your head has cleared, try the games out at a less intense session than normal.


Ahh yes, the fog has cleared and you once again see the light. The love once lost for that game you were so passionate about has been resurrected and you can continue the journey once again. Do not let the breath of fresh air distract you. It is easy to fall into gamer fatigue and experience burnout unless you are taking the proper steps to avoid it.



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