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What It Do Baaaby


Hey guys! My name is Haynes, but on all my gaming platforms I go by OddWolfey so we are just going to stick with that here. I am also the creator of The Bot Squad. This is a gaming tips and tricks based group that will also give insight on different aspects of the games as well.

Who Is This Guy?

Nerd. Geek. Gamer-boi. These are just some of the ways that my friends and family have described me over the years. I have been playing video games as long as I can remember. My first game that I owned was The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, but it wasn't until the first Halo that I truly fell in love with games. I have been playing FPS games since then and have gotten into Battle Royales since Fortnite came out. I'm not a pro, but I do know enough to help make a difference in your game.

What Do We Do

The Bot Squad's main goal is to deliver educational content to help our gaming community become better players and impress their friends. We will make in depth gaming tips and tricks to help the players who have the motivation to get better at what they do. We will also keep up on important gaming news including updates, rumors and new games. We will go over what gear we recommend for our gamers as well. By joining The Bot Squad, you will no longer be a bot ( I know that seems contradictory but it is my attempt at humor) as long as you put in the work.

Join Us

Now that you know who we are, join our community so that we can all start growing together!

Here is just a taste of what I like to do.....



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